Monday, May 11, 2009

Off the Reservation

I am sorry I have been MIA lately. I haven't been in the blogging mood. Not that I haven't had some fun things to say, but just no umph to say them to the 5 faithful readers of my blog :). But I have decided that I break healthy habits way too easily (in this case using my blog as a journal) while I continue to embrace empty habits all to often (watching too much reality TV). So here is a photo essay of what we've been doing the last month.

If you didn't write in the captions yourself--lots of SOCCER for miss Gabby, a quick trip to Disneyland with the Jones Grandparents, and Justin finished his first triatholon. I finished two month's worth of book club books and highly recommend both of them--one for some in-depth looks at good and evil and the other is a quick read, but amazingly written, heartbreaking and thought provoking.


emcghee said...

I hope I was counted as one of those 5 faithful! I enjoy your blog. Good for Justin! I didn't know he did that--see, I learn more about you guys by checking your blog. Also what 2 books did you read? Maybe I missed the titles somehow.

I loved how you said something along the lines of letting good habits slip away while allowing emtpy ones to creep in. I am way too guilty of this. I need to do better too.

Kelly said...

Megan-I am one of the faithful!! Thanks for updating, I've missed you in the blogging world. I look forward to seeing you more often when swim lessons start. Let me know when that will be. You're wonderful Megan!

Emilee said...

Looks like you had a great time at Disneyland! (When you get a free minute will you send me the soccer pictures? And we're still going to come get that treadmill!)

kendal said...

I'm glad you didn't quit blogging! And you know there are more than 5 of us. blog stalkers are always lurking around.

emcghee said...

I read The Glass Castle a couple years ago and liked it so much I talked Ben into reading it too. (I knew he would like the parts about her childhood, where she grew up. He has spent a lot of time In the deserts of Southern Ut./Az.) I've never heard of the other one though, I'll look it up.

And you hit the nail on the head with the dress code "issue." That was what I meant with my comment at the bottom. My friends son went a couple years ago and she said they actually had haircutters where you check in! UNBELIEVABLE

Carrie said...

So what were your books? You can't just throw out that comment and not let us in on the books! After all, at least this faithful reader of your blog would love to be in a book club with you!

Grandma Lue said...

Hey, I read your blog and comment, too :>) Our day at Disneyland was out of this world so perfect; thanks for making the time to squeeze the trip in. We wish that we could have seen Gabby play on her soccer team--she is a natural athlete! (I think her dad takes after her--good job on the amazing race, Justin.)