Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Dreaded Second Post

The first post--a piece of cake. I actually thought it was kind of fun to see my name in lights and to actually get 8 whole comments! Well now comes the "Dreaded 2nd Post" and the reason why I entered into the 12 step program for blog addicts in the first place. I don't want to fall into what I see are the 3 traps of blogging:

1) Blogging just to have something up there to satisfy the addicts (that includes myself!). How many times I have gone to my favorite blogs to be left only in withdrawal because they have no updates. No cute pictures. Where does the average blogger's responsibility start and end to accommodate their readers, family, friends, et al? I can't believe how many people have already asked me about a "next post." Such pressure! (Miranda, don't worry I am not cracking under said pressure!) Keep in mind that I am not talking about someone like our witty friend over at http://www.dooce.com/ who gets paid (quite) handsomely to keep the junkies happy.

2) That is so "bloggable." Bloggable defined as doing an activity or taking a photograph with the thought in mind to post it immediately on your blog.

3) Blog Envy. Similar to number 2 but blog envy is focused on making sure you edit your entries to make sure others envy your perfect children, perfect husband, perfect homemaking skills, etc. I think most of the time this is an unconscious decision, because who really wants to waste a post writing about a recent screaming match with their kids or photograph that junk room in your house where all good goes to die? (Although I have read some great honest posts regarding those very things)

Disclaimer: I don't mean to imply that any of my dear readers do this with their blogs, but I think we have all seen examples where the blogging goes too far and you are left wondering why you aren't as perfect as they are--or maybe I am the only one?

Feel free to weigh in here--am I off the mark? I welcome honest discussion on the subject and advice on how I can keep it as real as you guys seem to be doing on your own blogs.

For now, please enjoy a picture of where I will be spending my time today, tomorrow, and the next day--in my (of course, perfect) backyard where the budget that was once allocated to feed my shoe habit now resides and where I will probably be shuffling around in a bathrobe when I am 80 because I have no equity left in my home to ever, EVER leave.


JENNIE! said...

Whoa Meg, I can't believe I haven't seen your backyard yet! Seriously, one of the coolest pools ever... really gorgeous! ... Loved reading about the flooding days on patrick lane... good times.

JonesFamilyBlog said...

First, welcome to the world of blogging. We almost never see you so I'm so glad that now I get to await your updates to see what kind of "perfect" life you guys lead. Because I too look for updates on a weekly basis. I admit it, I am guilty of taking a picture that is finally blog worthy. But, you forget my favorite-not the trying to look like everything goes perfectly, but the empathy I desire from other bloggers as I complain about yet another mishap. Yes, it's sad, but true, that is part of why I blog.

Karen said...

I ditto jonesfamilyblog! I was out of towned and missed the rain the other day. Glad you took a picture of it. Yikes! Our first Vegas Summer.